
ZPM-Network BW

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ZPM Initiative of the State Baden-Württemberg

The state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, under the leadership of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration (Ministerium für Soziales und Integration), promotes Personalized Medicine as one of the important health topics. Based on the 2016 report on Personalized Medicine, a project group was convened by the State Health Conference to advance the implementation of Personalized Medicine in health care in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

The result of this work is the specialized concept for Personalized Medicine (Fachkonzept zur Personalisierten Medizin), which defines the framework conditions of the founding of the Centers for Personalized Medicine and their designation by the Ministry of Social Affairs (Sozialministerium). 



The four Baden-Wuerttemberg University Hospitals of Freiburg, Heidelberg, Tuebingen and Ulm have each founded a Center for Personalized Medicine (ZPM). The four centers were incorporated in the Landeskrankenhausplan (state hospital plan) by the Ministry of Social Affairs in November 2019, thus becoming a provider for the medical care for cancer patients. The ZPM implement harmonized concepts of molecular analysis of tumor diseases and the Molecular Tumor Boards provide therapy recommendations based on these concepts.





Network of the ZPM BW

The close cooperation among the ZPM founded in Baden-Württemberg permits evidence-based evaluation of therapy assessments and decisions. With common standards and coordinated quality control the ZPM ensure comparable care services at all four centers.

The ZPM-Network BW (ZPM-Verbund BW) promotes an expansion of a regional care structure to make the approach of Personalized Medicine available for everyone in Baden-Württemberg. 

The ZPM will work together with regional treatment providers according to a shell model. Although the complex molecular diagnostics and treatment recommendations will be made at the centers and in Molecular Boards, the individualized therapies will be offered regionally. 

ZPM Netzwerk BW ZPM Netzwerk BW

ZPM-Initiative - Historie

10/2015 State Health Conference (Landesgesundheitskonferenz): Decision on the current state of Personalized Medicine in Baden-Württemberg
09/2016 State Health Conference: recommendations for action on the basis of the progress report
  > Establishment of the interdisciplinary ZPM
  > Furhter development of IT infrastructure
  > Improved patient information on Personalized Medicine
 01/2017 Establishment and commissioning of the project group AG ZPM and start of content-related conceptual work in the AG ZPM and AG Digitization and intensified coordination with health insurance companies (GKV).
 07/2018 State Hospital Committee (Landeskrankenhausausschuss): submission of a benchmark paper on the ZPMs.
 03/2019 Finalization and consensus of the ZPM Framework Contract with the GKV
04/2019 State Hospital Committee: Approval of the ZPM Framework Contract
07/2019 Approval of the ZPM Framework Contract by the Cabinett of Baden-Württemberg
11/2019 Disgnation of the ZPM according to SGB V by the Ministry of Social Affairs of Baden-Württemberg based on the criteria defined in the ZPM Framework Contract


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