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New funding project of the ZPM network

Published 17. June 2020

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The four ZPM in the German federal state of Baden-Württemberg successfully applied in context of the “Forum Gesundheitsstandort Baden-Wuerttemberg”. The project “ZPM-Network BW” aims to regionally expand the patient care structure of the ZPM personalized medicine approach. That way diagnostic and treatment offers of personalized medicine are equally provided to patients in the federal state. Focusing on cancer, the ZPM at the university hospitals cooperate with regional oncological centers.

The ZPM-Network BW will establish a digitally connected patient care structure for personalized medicine that will operate across the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. The patient care structure will allow for a fast transfer of research findings into patient care and improve treatment options for patients with severe diseases with the help of innovative diagnostics, tailor-made treatments und comprehensive data collection.

Further information about research projects is only available in German.

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